The Gorge - Flash Bristow's Website

I have many pictures of Silas; all have fingers more visible than face. Except for the one full of burger.

Silas is mad and irreplaceable.

Urm, you want a better description? I first met Silas at Demon, and he is unusual in being one of the two people about whom I ever changed my opinion (the other being Al. Those two have more in common than they realise.) In fact I thought Silas was just a fat, mouthy c**t.

Well, Silas is the first to tell you that he is a fat, mouthy c**t. It is less well known that he is a fantastic drinker and listener, by which I mean he can take his beer, and that he actually puts up with me when I get pissed and lairy, even saying that I am not really being annoying.

He is a solid, resilient and dependable force, and thank you Silas for letting me share in your Kylie DVD... *dreams*

Silas tells me that he is a great shag too, but I wouldn't know, so I guess I'll just have to take his word for it!

His website is at www.beggarscanyon.demon.co.uk although it is out of date 'cos he's now single.

This page last updated: 01 September 2022

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