A selection of the best and worst jokes that I know.
This isn't intended to be a major joke site, but just to retain a
few that I think are so good, they need repeating. Also, many
"proper" joke websites are full of jokes that only Americans will
get, or "yo mamma so fat" rubbish. It's a personal repository of
jokes I enjoy that I may wish to share with friends.
Many of the jokes in this section contain adult humour.
Please send me other good jokes
- I'll stick them on a separate page, with contributors' names.
- "Flash Specials" - my favourite (sick) jokes
- Jokes from Bloke - so don't blame me!
- Lithp jokes - two thilly oneth
- Women's Bumper Stickers - ouch!
- Church Announcements - sinfully funny
- Chain Mail - ever received one?
- Tech Support jokes - ever used a computer?
- Mental patient jokes - two of the best
- Terrible jokes - mostly appalling puns
- Quick jokes - fast and bad
- Chinese proverbs - allegedly!
This page last updated: 01 September 2022
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© Flash Wilson 1999-2010. I charge a fee for use of my photos.