The Gorge - Flash Bristow's Website
Seen at Brixton Academy, June 1998, and Reading 1998.

No photo - sorry!

Garbage were both exciting and disappointing. Shirley oozed sex, trotted around the stage singing, and then lying and writhing on the floor. Hard to see if you weren't near the front, but entertaining nonetheless.

However, she can't tame her tongue! I can't decide whether Shirley hates touring, hates London or just hates everyone, but it's generally a bad idea to say you hate the place you're playing in.

Musically, the mix was bad at the Brixton gig - distorted, and hard to hear the vocals - and not too bad at Reading, but after being nonplussed by the first gig, I saw the second from the back of the crowd.

However, I know what everyone wants to know. So here is the info - at Brixton her pants were navy, and at Reading, orange like the Version 2.0 backdrop. I'll leave you with that thought.

This page last updated: 01 September 2022

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