The Gorge - Flash Bristow's Website

Rob is another MUDder who was at Uni with me. Quite a cool guy, very good at programming. Fortunately, his identical twin brother is not around too often so I don't get confused.

Little known facts about Rob:

  • He was called Rob, and his brother Barry, because as babies they were wrapped in Red and Blue
  • He once killed my character to get lots of experience points, in return for doing some of my coursework (it failed and I had to redo it anyway!)
  • I've fancied all of his women which I've met (hmm, wonder if he knew that?)

    Good taste, or just lucky?

    Some slightly more endearing pictures of Rob can be found in my photos section.

  • This page last updated: 01 September 2022

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    © Flash Wilson 1999-2010. I charge a fee for use of my photos.