The Gorge - Flash Bristow's Website
Up - Peter Gabriel (2002)

Progressive rock

Most similar to:

Early Gabriel, Roger Waters, recent Bowie.

Best tracks?

Darkness, Growing Up, I Grieve

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Why did I buy it?

Liked his previous albums.


Peter Gabriel is back at his best. This album has all of his hallmarks - strong rhythm, contrast, world music influences, distinctive harmonies and compelling lyrics.

Drawn in from the first minute, it opens with a powerful track, "Darkness" which has moments so quiet that when augmenting the volume sufficiently to detect them, you are then assaulted by the noise and passion of the next movement. Lyrics such as "I'm afraid of loving women, scared of loving men" are hauled from Gabriel at force give this album an edgy and provocative fusion, yet the tempo keeps the vibe moving along with some genuinely uplifting moments. "Up" seemed a strange title which turned out to be well deserved.

Although this is a dark album, there are several motivational sections, such as the world music chants which lift "I Grieve", "Growing Up" and "More Than This" to a dance pace somewhere in spirit between Jamiroquai, Nine Inch Nails and Enigma; a truly unique, and yet compulsive, sound.

This is a fantastic album - why isn't it cool to like this guy?

Would I buy it again?


This page last updated: 01 September 2022

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